How to Easily Change the Windows Desktop Icons Size

How to Easily Change the Windows Desktop Icons Size

For those who have always wondered if you can get custom size icons on your desktop just like in your folders, there is a way! This will show you a quick and simple way to make the desktop icons smaller or larger than usual in Windows.
Change to Custom Size 

1. Get to your desktop and make sure you haven't selected any application(s) as active.
2. Hold Control (Name:  controlkey.png
Views: 1665
Size:  7.2 KB) and move your mouse scroller (Name:  Scroller.png
Views: 1660
Size:  13.9 KB) forward and backward to change the size. Moving the scroll button forward will make icons bigger, and moving it back will make icons smaller. Adjust the icons to your preference.
Option 2

Change to Original Size
If at any time you wish to restore the icons to one of the three preset defaults just go to the desktop and right click it selecting "View" and choosing one of the three options:
Name:  Presets.png
Views: 1658
Size:  2.4 KB
That's it!Hope I've helped, not everyone likes preset stuff, most people customize everything!


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