Spice Up Windows 7 Taskbar with Taskbar Meters

Windows 7 has one of the best features in the taskbar and we have covered how to texturize Windows 7 taskbar. Here is another simple application which can furthur spice up the taskbar with Task manager and memory meters. Taskbar Meters are incredibly simple meters that live in the Windows 7 task bar. There are two application included in the meters, one that shows CPU utilization and another that shows memory. Taskbar Meters also features jumplist, so that you can quickly open taskbar and resource monitor.
taskbar meters
Jumplists support is available on Taskbar meters and it gives quick access to Task Manager and the Resource Monitor to determine what’s slowing down your computer.
The update frequency and percentages that determine “yellow” and “red” states are configurable.

You can pin these application to the taskbar so that you can continously monitor the memory usage and CPU usage.
Download Taskbar Meters